Heather Tranberg

Multimedia artist; furries and custom characters

🔮Prices☆ 🔮
Icons - $15
Symmetrical lineless icons - $10
Chibi - $25
Sketches/colored sketches - $8/$10
Headshot - $20 (2 for$25 or 4 for $40)
Bust - $25
Halfbody - $30
Fullbody - $40
Full page illustration - $60
Reference Sheets - $50+ (Standard with a front and back view a headshot close up (like the second pic), with a charge of $5 per added headshot. $10 for added chibi.
Or base front/back/1headshot ref plus 3 headshots and a chibi for $70. Then have outfit options for the chibi for free.)Additional characters are +$5
Shipping for traditional is an additional $8 (includes Tracking)